発表論文 Publications ▸ 研究紹介 Researches ▸ プロトコール Protocol ▸ コラム Column ▸
- Susumu Goyama. Remember FAB: Targeting lineage-specific Vulnerabilities to Treat Myeloid Tumors. 24th IRCMS Symposium on Hematopoiesis and Leukemia、2025/2/19、熊本、口頭発表(招待)
- 郝楊穎. E3 ubiquitin ligase STUB1 suppresses IFNGR1 expression and accelerates the development of AML. 第11回内科学専攻大学院セミナー、2025/2/15、東京、口頭発表
- Ruka Shimura, Moe Tamura, Keita Yamamoto, Kohei Iida, Shuhei Asada, Emi Sugimoto, E. Christine Pietsch, Barbara A. Weir, Ramona Crescenzo, Glenn S. Cowley, Ricardo M. Attar, Ulrike Philippar, Satoshi Yamasaki, Taisei Hirouchi, Kaoru Uchimaru, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. CRISPR/Cas9 Library Screens Identified Atp2a2 as an In Vivo Specific Tumor Suppressor in Myeloid Neoplasms. 66th ASH Annual Meeting, 2024/12/9, San Diego, Oral
- Jingmei Li, Emi Sugimoto, Keita Yamamoto, Yutong Dai, Sung-Joon Park, Kenta Nakai, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. Machine Learning-Based Predictive Modeling Maximizes the Efficacy of mTOR/TP53 Co-Targeting Therapy Against Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 66th ASH Annual Meeting, 2024/12/7, San Diego, Oral
- Jakushin Nakahara, Keita Yamamoto, Tomohiro Yabushita, Takumi Chinen, Kei Ito, Yutaka Takeda, Daiju Kitagawa, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. PCYT1A Is a Metabolic Vulnerability in Monocytic Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 66th ASH Annual Meeting, 2024/12/8, San Diego, Poster
- ⼭本圭太、北村俊雄、合⼭進. CRISPR/Cas13 を⽤いた RNA-タンパク質相互作⽤解析ツールの開発と応⽤. 第29回造血器腫瘍研究会、2024/11/21、鶴岡、口頭
- 下⾥侑⼦、⼭本圭太、賈宇涵、柴徳⽣、林泰秀、伊藤秀⼀、北村俊雄、合⼭進. NPM1 融合蛋⽩質による⽩⾎病発症メカニズムの解明. 第29回造血器腫瘍研究会、2024/11/21、鶴岡、口頭
- Ruka Shimura, Moe Tamura, Keita Yamamoto, Kohei Iida, Shuhei Asada, Emi Sugimoto, E. Christine Pietsch, Barbara A. Weir, Ramona Crescenzo, Glenn S. Cowley, Ricardo M. Attar, Ulrike Philippar, Satoshi Yamasaki, Taisei Hirouchi, Kaoru Uchimaru, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. CRISPR/Cas9 Library Screens Identified Atp2a2 as an In Vivo Specific Tumor Suppressor in Myeloid Neoplasms. 66th ASH Annual Meeting, 2024/12/9, San Diego, Oral
- Jingmei Li, Emi Sugimoto, Keita Yamamoto, Yutong Dai, Sung-Joon Park, Kenta Nakai, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. Machine Learning-Based Predictive Modeling Maximizes the Efficacy of mTOR/TP53 Co-Targeting Therapy Against Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 66th ASH Annual Meeting, 2024/12/7, San Diego, Oral
- Jakushin Nakahara, Keita Yamamoto, Tomohiro Yabushita, Takumi Chinen, Kei Ito, Yutaka Takeda, Daiju Kitagawa, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. PCYT1A Is a Metabolic Vulnerability in Monocytic Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 66th ASH Annual Meeting, 2024/12/8, San Diego, Poster
- 志村瑠香、山本圭太、藪下知宏、飯田孝平、張文宇、北村俊雄、合山進. NEAT1標的CRISPR/Cas13によるcollateral activityは抗白血病効果を示す. 第86回日本血液学会学術集会、2024/10/13、京都、口頭
- Yangying Hao、山本圭太、米澤大志、冨田拓哉、佐伯泰、北村俊雄、合山進. E3ユビキチンリガーゼSTUB1はIFNGRの発現を抑制し、急性骨髄性白血病の発症を促進する. 第86回日本血液学会学術集会、2024/10/13、京都、口頭
- 飯田孝平、中西繭子、中原若辰、山本圭太、浅田修平、藪下知宏、北村俊雄、合山進. MECOMはGATA2と拮抗することで白血病進展を促進し、マスト細胞への分化を抑制する. 第86回日本血液学会学術集会、2024/10/13、京都、口頭
- Jakushin Nakahara, Keita Yamamoto, Tomohiro Yabushita, Daiju Kitagawa, Takumi Chinen, Kei Ito, Yutaka Takeda, Jakushin Nakahara. Group comparison based on genetic information reveals lineage-specific vulnerabilities in AML. 第83回日本癌学会学術総会、2024/9/20、福岡、口頭
- Jingmei Li, Emi Sugimoto, Keita Yamamoto, Yutong Dai, Sungjoon Park, Kenta Nakai, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. Machine learning-based modeling predicts efficacy of mTOR/TP53 co-targeted therapy in acute myeloid leukemia. 第83回日本癌学会学術総会、2024/9/19, 福岡、口頭
- Goyama S. SETDB1 suppresses interferon responses and NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance specifically in Monocytic AML. 14th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MYELOID STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT AND LEUKEMIA, 2024/5/22, Cincinnati, Oral
- Yu-Hsuan Chang, Keita Yamamoto, Takeshi Fujino, Teh-Wei Wang, Emi Sugimoto, Wenyu Zhang, Tomohiro Yabushita, Ken Suzaki, E. Christine Pietsch, Barbara A. Weir, Ramona Crescenzo, Glenn S. Cowley, Ricardo Attar, Ulrike Philippar, Yutaka Enomoto, Yoich Imai, Toshio Kitamura, *Susumu Goyama. SETDB1 suppresses interferon responses and NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance specifically in Monocytic AML. 14th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MYELOID STEM CELL DEVELOPMENT AND LEUKEMIA, 2024/5/22, Cincinnati, Poster
- Wenyu Zhang, Goyama S. HDAC7 is a potential therapeutic target in AEL. 若手国際シンポジウム: Development of omics study to reveal disease progression, 2024/3/18, Tokyo, Oral
- 張育瑄、SETDB1 suppresses interferon responses and NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance specifically in monocytic AML. 第10回 内科学専攻大学院生セミナー、2024年2月10日、東京、口頭
- 志村瑠⾹、⽥村萌、⼭本圭太、北村俊雄、合⼭進、カルシウム制御因⼦Atp2a2は⾻髄系腫瘍においてin vivo特異的に増殖を抑制する。第28回造⾎器腫瘍研究会、2024 年1⽉26日、 ⼤津、口頭
- 張⽂宇、⼭本圭太、張育瑄, 薮下知宏、北村俊雄、合⼭進 HDAC7 is a potential therapeutic target in Acute Erythroid Leukemia. 第28回造⾎器腫瘍研究会、2024 年1⽉26日、⼤津、口頭
- Goyama S. SETDB1 Suppresses Interferon Responses and NK Cell-Mediated Immunosurveillance Specifically in Monocytic AML, Scientific Workshops on Myeloid Development, 2023/12/8, San Diego, 口頭
- Chang YH, Fujino T, Yamamoto K, Enomoto Y, Kitamura T, Goyama S. SETDB1 Suppresses Interferon Responses and NK Cell-Mediated Immunosurveillance Specifically in Monocytic AML. Annual meeting of American Society of Hematology, 2023/12/11, San Diego, 口頭
- 合山進、AMLゲノム解析全盛時代にあえてFAB分類の重要性を訴える 第15回茨城造血器腫瘍セミナー、2023年11月29日、筑波、招待講演
- Goyama S. Targeting TP53 for acute myeloid leukemia and its relation to tumor immunity. 10th International MDM2 Workshop, 2023/10/16, Tokyo, Invited Talk
- Wenyu Zhang, Keita Yamamoto, Yu Hsuan Chang, Tomohiro Yabushita, Yangying Hao, Jakushin Nakahara, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. HDAC7 is a potential therapeutic target in acute erythroid leukemia. 第85回日本血液学会学術集会、2023/10/14、東京、口頭
- Jingmei Li, Emi Sugimoto, Keita Yamamoto, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. Dual targeting of mTOR and p53 shows potent activity against aggressive acute myeloid leukemia. 第85回日本血液学会学術集会、2023/10/15, 東京、口頭
- Yu Hsuan Chang, Takeshi Fujino, Keita Yamamoto, Yutaka Enomoto, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama SETDB1 suppresses interferon responses and NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance in monocytic AML. 第85回日本血液学会学術集会、2023/10/15、東京、口頭
- 合山進、ASXL1-CHIP は万病の元 第6回腫瘍循環器学会学術集会 シンポジウム1: 腫瘍と循環器疾患を繋ぐ鍵:clonal hematopoiesis, 2023/9/30, 神戸、招待講演
- Yu-Hsuan Chang, Takeshi Fujino, Keita Yamamoto, Yutaka Enomoto, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama. SETDB1 suppresses interferon responses and NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance in monocytic AML. 日本癌学会学術総会、2023/9/23, 横浜、口頭
- Sato N, Goyama S, Kitamura T. Mutant ASXL1 promotes atherosclerosis development in mice via accelerated myeloid cell proliferation and dysregulation of innate immune pathway. The 13th JSH International Symposium, Plenary Session: Expanding border of clonal hematopoiesis. July 21, 2023, Tsukuba, Oral
- Zheng W, Yamamoto K, Chang YH, Yabushita T, Kitamura T, Goyama S. HDAC7 is a potential therapeutic target in acute erythroid leukemia. The 13th JSH International Symposium. July 22, 2023, Tsukuba, Oral
- Chang YH, Fujino T, Yamamoto K, Enomoto Y, Kitamura T, Goyama S. SETDB1 suppresses interferon responses and NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance in monocytic AML. The 13th JSH International Symposium. July 21, 2023, Tsukuba,
- 合山進、CRISPR-Cas: Biology and its application to Blood Research. 2023/6/21, 熊本大学医学・生命科学セミナー、熊本、招待講演
- 合山進、AML治療新時代:NK細胞の役割とDecitabineの作用機序を考える 第82回佐賀ブルートアーベント 2023年5月12日、佐賀、招待講演
- 飯田孝平、山本圭太、浅田修平、北村俊雄、合山進 MECOM 症候群で認められる変異は、 MECOM の転写活性化能及び造腫瘍性を喪失させる、第27会造血器腫瘍研究会、2023 年1月20日、広島、口頭
- Yu-Hsuan Chang, Takeshi Fujino, Toshio Kitamura, Susumu Goyama Identification of tumor regulators in myeloid neoplasms using in vivo CRISPR- Cas9 screening. 造血器腫瘍研究会、2023 年1月20日、広島、口頭
- 合山進、白血病幹細胞と腫瘍免疫、第18回日本がん分子標的治療学会TRワークショップ、2023年1月17日、東京、招待講演
- Shimosato Y, Yamamoto K, Jia Y, Zhang W, Shiba N, Hayashi Y, Ito S, Kitamura T, Goyama S. NPM1-fusion proteins promote myeloid leukemogenesis through XPO1-dependent HOX activation. Leukemia 39(1):75-86 (2025).
- Yabushita T, Goyama S. Nucleic acid metabolism: the key therapeutic target for myeloid tumors. Experimental Hematology. 142:104693 (2025).
- Miyazawa M, Yamamoto S, Goyama S, Kitagawa D. Isolation of Mitotic Centrosomes from Cultured Human Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology 2872:233-244 (2025).
- Sato N, Goyama S, Chang YH, Miyawaki M, Fujino T, Koide S, Denda T, Liu X, Ueda K, Yamamoto K, Asada S, Takeda R, Yonezawa T, Tanaka Y, Honda H, Ota Y, Shibata T, Sekiya M, Isobe T, Lamagna C, Masuda E, Iwama A, Shimano H, Inoue JI, Miyake K, Kitamura T. Clonal hematopoiesis-related mutant ASXL1 promotes atherosclerosis in mice via dysregulated innate immunity. Nature Cardiovascular Research 3(12):1568-1583, 2024.
- Yabushita T, Goyama S. Nucleic Acid Metabolism: the Key Therapeutic Target for Myeloid Tumors. Experimental Hematology (in press)
- Miyazawa M, Yamamoto S, Goyama S, Kitagawa D. Isolation of Mitotic Centrosomes from Cultured Human Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology 2872:233-244. 2025.
- *Shimosato Y, *Yamamoto K, Jia Y, Zhang W, Shiba N, Hayashi Y, Ito S, Kitamura T, Goyama S. NPM1-fusion proteins promote myeloid leukemogenesis through XPO1-dependent HOX activation. Leukemia (in press) (*equal contribution)
- Zhang W, Yamamoto K, Chang YH, Yabushita T, Hao Y, Shimura R, Nakahara J, Shikata S, Iida K, Chen Q, Zhang X, Kitamura T, Goyama S. HDAC7 is a potential therapeutic target in acute erythroid leukemia. Leukemia 38(12): 2614-2627 2024.
- Kaito S, Aoyama K, Oshima M, Tsuchiya A, Miyota M, Yamashita M, Koide S, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Kozuka-Hata H, Oyama M, Yogo T, Yabushita T, Ito R, Ueno M, Hirao A, Tohyama K, Li C, Kawabata KC, Yamaguchi K, Furukawa Y, Kosako H, Yoshimi A, Goyama S, Nannya Y, Ogawa S, Agger K, Helin K, Yamazaki S, Koseki H, Doki N, Harada Y, Harada H, Nishiyama A, Nakanishi M, Iwama A. Inhibition of TOPORS ubiquitin ligase augments the efficacy of DNA hypomethylating agents through DNMT1 stabilization. Nature Communications 15(1):7359, 2024.
- Chang YH, Yamamoto K, Fujino T, Wang TW, Sugimoto E, Zhang W, Yabushita T, Suzaki K, Pietsch EC, Weir BA, Crescenzo R, Cowley GS, Attar R, Philippar U, Wunderlich M, Mizukawa B, Zheng Y, Enomoto Y, Imai Y, Kitamura T, Goyama S. SETDB1 suppresses NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance in acute myeloid leukemia with granulo-monocytic differentiation. Cell Reports 114536, 2024.
- Dai Y, Li J, Yamamoto K, Goyama S, Loza M, Park SJ, Nakai K. Integrative analysis of cancer multimodality data identifying COPS5 as a novel biomarker of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Frontiers in Genetics 15:1407765, 2024.
- Zhang W, Li J, Yamamoto K, Goyama S. Modeling and therapeutic targeting of t(8;21) AML with/without TP53 deficiency. International Journal of Hematology International Journal of Hematology 120(2):186-193, 2024.
- Yabushita T, Kitamura T, Goyama S. Molecular mechanism of DNA hypomethylating agents in myeloid tumors. Rinsho Ketsueki 65(4):209-221, 2024.
- Sugimoto E, Li J, Hayashi Y, Iida K, Asada S, Fukushima T, Tamura M, Shikata S, Zhang W, Yamamoto K, Kawabata KC, Kawase T, Saito T, Yoshida T, Yamazaki S, Kaito Y, Imai Y, Denda T, Ota Y, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Enomoto Y, Kitamura T, Goyama S. Hyperactive Natural Killer cells in Rag2 knockout mice inhibit the development of acute myeloid leukemia. Communications Biology 6(1):1294 (2023).
- Xiao M, Kondo S, Nomura M, Kato S, Nishimura K, Zang W, Zhang Y, Akashi T, Viny A, Shigehiro T, Ikawa T, Yamazaki H, Fukumoto M, Tanaka A, Hayashi Y, Koike Y, Aoyama Y, Ito H, Nishikawa H, Kitamura T, Kanai A, Yokoyama A, Fujiwara T, Goyama S, Noguchi H, Lee SC, Toyoda A, Hinohara K, Abdel-Wahab O, Inoue D. BRD9 determines the cell fate of hematopoietic stem cells by regulating chromatin state. Nature Communications 14(1):8372 (2023).
- Man CH, Lam W, Dang CC, Zeng XY, Zheng LC, Chan NN, Ng KL, Chan KC, Kwok TH, Ng TC, Leung WY, Huen MS, Wong CC, So CWE, Dou Z, Goyama S, Bray MR, Mak TW, Leung AY. Inhibition of PLK4 remodels histone methylation and activates the immune response via the cGAS-STING pathway in TP53-mutated AML. Blood 142(23):2002-2015 (2023).
- Kaito Y, Sugimoto E, Nakamura F, Tsukune Y, Sasaki M, Yui S, Yamaguchi H, Goyama S, Nannya Y, Mitani K, Tamura H, Imai Y. Immune checkpoint molecule DNAM-1/CD112 axis is a novel target for NK-cell therapy in acute myeloid leukemia. Haematologica (in press).
- Yabushita T, Chinen T, Nishiyama A, Asada S, Shimura R, Isobe T, Yamamoto K, Sato N, Enomoto Y, Tanaka Y, Fukuyama T, Satoh H, Kato K, Saitoh K, Ishikawa T, Soga T, Nannya Y, Fukagawa T, Nakanishi M, Kitagawa D, Kitamura T, Goyama S. Mitotic perturbation is a key mechanism of action of decitabine in myeloid tumor treatment. Cell Reports 42(9):113098 (2023).
- Miyashita K, Yagi T, Kagaya N, Takechi A, Nakata C, Kanda R, Nuriya H, Tanegashima K, Hoyano S, Seki F, Yoshida C, Hachiro Y, Higashi T, Kitada N, Toya T, Kobayashi T, Najima Y, Goyama S, Maki SA, Kitamura T, Doki N, Shin-Ya K, Hara T. Identification of compounds that preferentially suppress the growth of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia-derived cells. Cancer Science (in press).
- Yonezawa T, Takahashi H, Hao Y, Furukawa C, Tsuchiya A, Zhang W, Fukushima T, Fukuyama T, Sawasaki T, Kitamura T, Goyama S. The E3 ligase DTX2 inhibits RUNX1 function by binding its C terminus and prevents the growth of RUNX1-dependent leukemia cells. FEBS Journal 290(21):5141-5157 (2023).
- Shibata T, Sato R, Taoka M, Saitoh SI, Komine M, Yamaguchi K, Goyama S, Motoi Y, Kitaura J, Izawa K, Yamauchi Y, Tsukamoto Y, Ichinohe T, Fujita E, Hiranuma R, Fukui R, Furukawa Y, Kitamura T, Takai T, Tojo A, Ohtsuki M, Ohto U, Shimizu T, Ozawa M, Yoshida N, Isobe T, Latz E, Mukai K, Taguchi T, Hemmi H, Akira S, Miyake K. TLR7/8 stress response drives histiocytosis in SLC29A3 disorders. Journal of Experimental Medicine 220(9): e20230054. (2023).
- Liu X, Sato N, Yabushita T, Li J, Jia Y, Tamura M, Asada S, Fujino T, Fukushima T, Yonezawa T, Tanaka Y, Fukuyama T, Tsuchiya A, Shikata S, Iwamura H, Kinouchi C, Komatsu K, Yamasaki S, Shibata T, Sasaki AT, Schibler J, Wunderlich M, O'Brien E, Mizukawa B, Mulloy JC, Sugiura Y, Takizawa H, Shibata T, Miyake K, Kitamura T, Goyama S. IMPDH inhibition activates TLR-VCAM1 pathway and suppresses the development of MLL-fusion leukemia. EMBO Molecular Medicine 11;15(1):e15631 (2023).
- 合山進 EBM血液疾患の治療2023-2024 CBF白血病の治療
- 合山進 BIO Clinica 38(5) 378-382 (2023) 加齢とクローン性造血
- Isobe T, Takagi M, Sato-Otsubo A, Nishimura A, Nagae G, Yamagishi C, Tamura M, Tanaka Y, Asada S, Takeda R, Tsuchiya A, Wang X, Yoshida K, Nannya Y, Ueno H, Akazawa R, Kato I, Mikami T, Watanabe K, Sekiguchi M, Seki M, Kimura S, Hiwatari M, Kato M, Fukuda S, Tatsuno K, Tsutsumi S, Kanai A, Inaba T, Shiozawa Y, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Kotecha RS, Cruickshank MN, Ishikawa F, Morio T, Eguchi M, Deguchi T, Kiyokawa N, Arakawa Y, Koh K, Aoki Y, Ishihara T, Tomizawa D, Miyamura T, Ishii E, Mizutani S, Wilson NK, Göttgens B, Miyano S, Kitamura T, Goyama S, Yokoyama A, Aburatani H, Ogawa S, Takita J.
Multi-omics analysis defines highly refractory RAS burdened immature subgroup of infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature Communications 13(1):4501 (2022). - Fujino T, Asada S, Goyama S, Kitamura T.
Mechanisms involved in hematopoietic stem cell aging. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79(9):473 (2022). - Iida K, Tsuchiya A, Tamura M, Yamamoto K, Kawata S, Ishihara-Sugano M, Kato M, Kitamura T, Goyama S.
RUNX1 Inhibition Using Lipid Nanoparticle-Mediated Silencing RNA Delivery as an Effective Treatment for Acute Leukemias. Experimental Hematology 12-113: 1-8. (2022). - Hayashi Y, Kawabata KC, Tanaka Y, Uehara Y, Mabuchi Y, Murakami K, Nishiyama A, Kiryu S, Yoshioka Y, Ota Y, Sugiyama T, Mikami K, Tamura M, Fukushima T, Asada S, Takeda R, Kunisaki Y, Fukuyama T, Yokoyama K, Uchida T, Hagihara M, Ohno N, Usuki K, Tojo A, Katayama Y, Goyama S, Arai F, Tamura T, Nagasawa T, Ochiya T, Inoue D, Kitamura T.
MDS cells impair osteolineage differentiation of MSCs via extracellular vesicles to suppress normal hematopoiesis. Cell Reports. 39(6):110805. (2022) - Liu X, Sato N, Shimosato Y, Wang TW, Denda T, Chang YH, Yabushita T, Fujino T, Asada S, Tanaka Y, Fukuyama T, Enomoto Y, Ota Y, Sakamoto T, Kitamura T, Goyama S.
CHIP-associated mutant ASXL1 in blood cells promotes solid tumor progression. Cancer Science. 113(4):1182-1194 (2022) - Shull LC, Lencer ES, Kim HM, Goyama S, Kurokawa M, Costello JC, Jones K, Artinger KB.
PRDM paralogs antagonistically balance Wnt/β-catenin activity during craniofacial chondrocyte differentiation. Development. 15;149(4): dev200082. (2022) -
Iida K, Tsuchiya A, Tamura M, Yamamoto K, Kawata S, Ishihara-Sugano M, Kato M, Kitamura T, Goyama S.
RUNX1 Inhibition Using Lipid Nanoparticle-Mediated Silencing RNA Delivery as an Effective Treatment for Acute Leukemias. Experimental Hematology (in press) -
Hayashi Y, Kawabata KC, Tanaka Y, Uehara Y, Mabuchi Y, Murakami K, Nishiyama A, Kiryu S, Yoshioka Y, Ota Y, Sugiyama T, Mikami K, Tamura M, Fukushima T, Asada S, Takeda R, Kunisaki Y, Fukuyama T, Yokoyama K, Uchida T, Hagihara M, Ohno N, Usuki K, Tojo A, Katayama Y, Goyama S, Arai F, Tamura T, Nagasawa T, Ochiya T, Inoue D, Kitamura T.
MDS cells impair osteolineage differentiation of MSCs via extracellular vesicles to suppress normal hematopoiesis. Cell Reports. 39(6):110805 (2022). -
Tanaka Y, Takeda R, Fukushima T, Mikami K, Tsuchiya S, Tamura M, Adachi K, Umemoto T, Asada S, Watanabe N, Morishita S, Imai M, Nagata M, Araki M, Takizawa H, Fukuyama T, Lamagna C, Masuda ES, Ito R, Goyama S, Komatsu N, Takaku T, Kitamura T.
Eliminating chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells by IRAK1/4 inhibitors. Nature Communication. 12;13(1):271 (2022) - 合山進 造血器腫瘍における免疫チェックポイント分子の検出と治療への応用 血液内科 84(5) 702-708 (2022)
Fukushima T, Tanaka Y, Adachi K, Masuyama N, Tsuchiya A, Asada S, Ishiguro S, Mori H, Seki M, Yachie N, Goyama S, Kitamura T.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated base-editing enables a chain reaction through sequential repair of sgRNA scaffold mutations. Scientific Reports. 11(1):23889 (2021). -
Yamamoto K, Goyama S, Asada S, Fujino T, Yonezawa T, Sato N, Takeda R, Tsuchiya A, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Yokoyama A, Toya H, Kon A, Nannya Y, Onoguchi-Mizutani R, Nakagawa S, Hirose T, Ogawa S, Akimitsu N, Kitamura T.
A histone modifier, ASXL1, interacts with NONO and is involved in paraspeckle formation in hematopoietic cells. Cell Reports 36(8):109576 (2021). -
Fujino T, Goyama S, Sugiura Y, Inoue D, Asada S, Yamasaki S, Matsumoto A, Yamaguchi K, Isobe Y, Tsuchiya A, Shikata S, Sato N, Morinaga H, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Fukushima T, Takeda R, Yamamoto K, Honda H, Nishimura EK, Furukawa Y, Shibata T, Abdel-Wahab O, Suematsu M, Kitamura T.
Mutant ASXL1 induces age-related expansion of phenotypic hematopoietic stem cells through activation of Akt/mTOR pathway. Nature Communications 12(1):1826, 2021. -
Backx E, Wauters E, Baldan J, Van Bulck M, Michiels E, Heremans Y, De Paep DL, Kurokawa M, Goyama S, Bouwens L, Jacquemin P, Houbracken I, Rooman I.
MECOM permits pancreatic acinar cell dedifferentiation avoiding cell death under stress conditions. Cell Death & Differentiation 28(9):2601-2615 (2021). - 合山進 がん幹細胞と腫瘍免疫 Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 93(1): 162-166 (2021).
- 合山進 急性骨髄性白血病に対する分子標的治療 医学のあゆみ278(13), 1097 -1101 (2021).
- 合山進 急性骨髄性白血病:CBF白血病における治療標的 血液内科83(3), 383-389, 2021.
Tanaka Y, Mikami K, Adachi K, Fukushima T, Fukuyama T, Goyama S, Kitamura T.
Efficacy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on a mouse chronic myeloid leukemia model andchronic myeloid leukemia stem cells. Experimental Hematology 90:46-51, 2020. -
Takeda R, Asada S, Park SJ, Yokoyama A, Becker HJ, Kanai A, Visconte V, HershbergerCE, Hayashi Y, Yonezawa T, Tamura M, Fukushima T, Tanaka Y, Fukuyama T, MatsumotoA, Yamasaki S, Nakai K, Yamazaki S, Inaba T, Shibata T, Inoue D, Honda H, Goyama S, Maciejewski JP, Kitamura T.
HHEX Promotes Myeloid Transformation in Cooperation withMutant ASXL1. Blood 136 (14):1670-1684, 2020. -
Kawashima M, Carreras J, Higuchi H, Kotaki R, Hoshina T, Okuyama K, Suzuki N, Kakizaki M, Miyatake Y, Ando K, Nakayama M, Umezu S, Horie R, Higuchi Y, Katagiri K, Goyama S, Kitamura T, Chamoto K, Yano S, Nakamura N, Kotani A.
PD-L1/L2 protein levels rapidly increase on monocytes via trogocytosis from tumor cells in classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Leukemia 34(9):2405-2417 (2020). -
Ye J, Huang A, Wang H, Zhang AMY, Huang X, Lan Q, Sato T, Goyama S, Kurokawa M, Deng C, Sander M, Schaeffer DF, Li W, Kopp JL, Xie R.
PRDM3 Attenuates Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Tumorigenesis by Regulating Inflammatory Response. Cell Death & Disease 11(3):187 (2020). -
Shull LC, Sen R, Menzel J, Goyama S, Kurokawa M, Artinger KB.
The conserved and divergent roles of Prdm3 and Prdm16 in zebrafish and mouse craniofacial development. Developmental Biology 461(2):132-144, 2020. -
Goyama S.
Acute myeloid leukemia stem cells from genomic and immunological perspectives. Rinsho Ketsueki 61(9): 1130-1137, 2020 -
Goyama S.
Acute myeloid leukemia stem cells. Rinsho Ketsueki 61(4): 336-342, 2020. - 合山進 MDSおよびMPNにおけるdel(20q)によるHippoキナーゼ発現低下と骨髄線維化を促進する慢性炎症 血液内科81(1), 79-84, 2020.
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- 合山進 白血病幹細胞 日本臨床78巻増刊号3, 134-139, 2020
- 合山進 がん幹細胞のエピゲノム制御 医学のあゆみ 273(5) 368-374 (2020).
Fukushima T, *Tanaka Y, Hamey FK, Chang CH, Oki T, Asada S, Hayashi Y, Fujino T, Yonezawa T, Takeda R, Kawabata KC, Fukuyama T, Umemoto T, Takubo K, Takizawa H, Goyama S, Ishihama Y, Honda H, Göttgens B, Kitamura T.
Discrimination of dormant and active hematopoietic stem cells by G0 markers reveals dormancy regulation by cytoplasmic calcium. Cell Reports 29(12) 4144-4158.e7 (2019). -
Hayashi Y, *Goyama S, Liu X, Tamura M, Asada S, Tanaka Y, Fukuyama T, Wunderlich M, O’Brien E, Mizukawa B, Yamazaki S, Matsumoto A, Yamasaki S, Shibata T, Matsuda K, Sashida G, Takizawa H, *Kitamura T.
Antitumor immunity augments the therapeutic effects of p53 activation on acute myeloid leukemia. Nature Communications 10(1): 4869 (2019). -
Tamura M, Yonezawa T, Liu X, Asada S, Hayashi Y, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Kitamura T, *Goyama S.
Opposing effects of acute versus chronic inhibition of p53 on decitabine's efficacy in myeloid neoplasms. Scientific Reports 9(1): 8171 (2019) -
*Goyama S, Schibler J, Mulloy JC.
Alternative translation initiation generates the N-terminal truncated form of RUNX1 that retains hematopoietic activity. Experimental Hematology 72: 27-35 (2019). -
Asada S, Fujino T, Goyama S, Kitamura T.
The role of ASXL1 in hematopoiesis and myeloid malignancies. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 76(13): 2511-2523 (2019)
Saika M, Inoue D, Nagase R, Sato N, Tsuchiya A, Yabushita T, *Kitamura T, *Goyama S.
ASXL1 and SETBP1 mutations promote leukaemogenesis by repressing TGFβ pathway genes through histone deacetylation. Scientific Reports 8(1): 15873 (2018). -
Yonezawa T, Takahashi H, Shikata S, Sawasaki T, Kitamura T, *Goyama S.
The ubiquitin ligase RNF38 promotes RUNX1 ubiquitination and enhances RUNX1-mediated suppression of erythroid transcription programs. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 505(3): 905-909 (2018). -
Asada S, Goyama S, Inoue D, Shikata S, Takeda R, Fukushima T, Yonezawa T, Fujino T, Hayashi Y, Kawabata KC, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Yokoyama A, Yamazaki S, Kozuka-Hata H, Oyama M, Kojima S, Kawazu M, Mano H, *Kitamura T.
Mutant ASXL1 cooperates with BAP1 to promote myeloid leukaemogenesis. Nature Communications 9(1): 2733 (2018). -
Osumi T, Tsujimoto SI, Tamura M, Uchiyama M, Nakabayashi K, Okamura K, Yoshida M, Tomizawa D, Watanabe A, Takahashi H, Hori T, Yamamoto S, Hamamoto K, Migita M, Ogata-Kawata H, Uchiyama T, Kizawa H, Ueno-Yokohata H, Shirai R, Seki M, Oki K, Takita J, Inukai T, Ogawa S, Kitamura T, Matsumoto K, Hata K, Kiyokawa N, Goyama S, *Kato M.
Recurrent RARB Translocations in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia lacking RARA Translocation. Cancer Research 78(16): 4452-4458 (2018). -
Nagase R, Inoue D, Pastore A, Fujino T, Hou HA, Yamasaki N, Goyama S, Saika M, Kanai A, Sera Y, Horikawa S, Ota Y, Asada S, Hayashi Y, Kawabata KC, Takeda R, Tien HF, Honda H, Abdel-Wahab O, *Kitamura T.
Expression of mutant Asxl1 perturbs hematopoiesis and promotes susceptibility to leukemic transformation. Journal of Experimental Medicine 215(6): 1729-1747 (2018). -
*Inoue D, Fujino T, Sheridan P, Zhang YZ, Nagase R, Horikawa S, Li Z, Matsui H, Kanai A, Saika M, Yamaguchi R, Kozuka-Hata H, Kawabata KC, Yokoyama A, Goyama S, Inaba T, Imoto S, Miyano S, Xu M, Yang FC, Oyama M, *Kitamura T.
A novel ASXL1-OGT axis plays roles in H3K4 methylation and tumor suppression in myeloid malignancies. Leukemia 32(6): 1327-1337 (2018). -
Osumi T, Tsujimoto SI, Nakabayashi K, Taniguchi M, Shirai R, Yoshida M, Uchiyama T, Nagasawa J, Goyama S, Yoshioka T, Tomizawa D, Kurokawa M, Matsubara Y, Kiyokawa N, Matsumoto K, Hata K, *Kato M.
Somatic MECOM mosaicism in a patient with congenital bone marrow failure without a radial abnormality. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 65(6): e26959 (2018). -
Miyashita K, Kitajima K, Goyama S, Kitamura T, *Hara T.
Overexpression of Lhx2 suppresses proliferation of human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia-derived cells, partly by reducing LMO2 protein levels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 495(3): 2310-2316 (2018). -
Kawabata KC, Hayashi Y, Inoue D, Meguro H, Sakurai H, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Asada S, Fukushima T, Nagase R, Takeda R, Harada Y, Kitaura J, Goyama S, Harada H, Aburatani H, *Kitamura T.
High expression of ABCG2 induced by EZH2 disruption has pivotal roles in MDS pathogenesis. Leukemia 32(2): 419-428 (2018).
Yonezawa T, Takahashi H, Shikata S, Liu X, Tamura M, Asada S, Fukushima T, Fukuyama T, Tanaka Y, Sawasaki T, Kitamura T, *Goyama S.
The ubiquitin ligase STUB1 regulates stability and activity of RUNX1 and RUNX1-RUNX1T1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292(30): 12528-12541 (2017). -
Goyama S, Shrestha M, Schibler J, Rosenfeldt L, Miller W, O’Brien E, Mizukawa B, Kitamura T, *Palumbo JS, *Mulloy JC.
Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) inhibits proliferation but enhances leukemia stem cell activity in acute myeloid leukemia. Oncogene 36(18): 2589-2598 (2017). -
Shan L, Mulloy JC, *Goyama S.
RUNX1-ETO leukemia. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 962: 151-173 (2017). -
Goyama S, *Kitamura T.
Epigenetics in normal and malignant hematopoiesis: An overview and update 2017. Cancer Science 108(4): 553-562 (2017).
© Division of Molecular Oncology,
Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
© Division of Molecular Oncology, Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo